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Thursday, October 15, 2009


Picture: People who were eating at an object kapurung tourism - Jakarta-Indonesia

South Sulawesi since the New Order era known as the self-sufficiency in rice. Several factors cause among others in the area of land is fertile. Especially in the area so fertile Luwu because so often there adnekod "could be a wooden stick plants". With the soil fertility is not excessive if this area is the largest cocoa producer in South Sulawesi.
But the fertility of the soil is not the only factor that causes this region to be self-sufficient, but this area in addition to consuming the rice as the main meal is also eaten in any other subject that is sago
Sago or Latin name (order: spadicilionae, family: palmae) can be processed into several basic types of food including kapurung (bugis) or pugalu (Luwu), Dange, and Sinole.
At the high rice prices that typically occur on the outside of the harvest season, rice, sago meal of the material is more dominant as a staple food. The cause of this food is faporit than ralatif cheap prices, as well as food from the Sago was with a sense of its own.
Kapurung / pugalu (known as the Moluccas papeda) food from the sago in the form of dots of ping-pong ball up for ongol-ongol or meatballs. If presented looks like cendol, only round-bulatannya only larger
People who've just tried this food addiction guaranteed, and will repeat again to eat. This is evident especially in Jakarta, if any of my family who makes kapurung and are distributed to the neighbor next door, then on other occasions would they (the neighbors) have to be made again.
If you want to try making your own ingredients is very easy to get and how to make it not too hard, too. The materials needed consist of sago flour, chilies, shrimp paste, salt, side dishes such as fish or meat is better, vegetables, and boiling water. About how to make it be presented in writing my next.
View in terms of taste, the type of food has the potential to create a business opportunity. Maybe someone wants to try?

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